If You Know You Can Do Better, Do It!

Question: When do you change your coaching offer or package? Answer: The second you know how to make it better. Seriously.   When you are getting started, or you’ve just gotten a string of clients you’ve gotten to work with and you have a knowing that there’s something you could add, take-away, make shorter or longer […]

Business Does Not Have to Be Hard

Question: How do you know what to offer your clients?Answer: You think about them! I know, it’s so easy it’s almost like we are cheating! That’s the thing though, business does not have to be hard – it is really just the process of you offering something people want to the people who want it. […]

Why Do Your People Choose to Work with You?

People have so many options for where to spend their hard-earned dollars. So, why would they choose to work with you? Seriously… I’m not saying this to poke you. I’m saying this because I think we need to fully own the answer to this question. We need to ask it, answer it, and make sure […]

No Wrong Reasons for Doing What You Do

I’ve been wondering lately about the things you care about that are under the stuff you care about. Like, the reason for your reason. The result of the result you want to create. It can sound like this: I want to make 100K, so that I know I’m okay and I’m going to make it.(I […]

Own Your Odd

Are you a Dumbledore? Or a Trekkie? Or a Harley person? Maybe you’re a quilter, or a runner… You know what I mean? There’s a way you identify that brings pride, understanding, status, and connects you in a very clear way to your people… Do you have a thing like that? I like how Seth […]