I want to come from LOVE and I know the only other option is to come from FEAR.


…and true. So you can choose to move forward with a full heart, challenging the negativity that appears to surround you and lean into the courageousness it takes to choose your path – or – you can lean back against fear and let it slowly move you where it takes you.

It’s action vs. inaction.

It’s proactivity vs. reactivity.

It’s evolve or devolve.

Both work. Both will get you through life, to death. #goals

So, since we’re all headed there…!

Why not do it in a way that calls you forth? Listen to that tiny voice inside that knows the way but often gets pushed to the side. Pay attention to the intuition that says you want something but it doesn’t happen because it feels too hard, too vulnerable.

Full hearted living, living from love instead of fear is the most courageous act.

and…. drumroll….

Courage feels like shit.

That’s how you know you’re doing it right.

So, if we really boil it down, you can feel like shit because you’re staying the same, or you can feel like shit because you’re creating the life you want!

I am actually laughing out loud as I write that because, wow, what a choice! But yet, I am still so excited about the latter. So much so in fact that I want to bring you with me!


Photo by Alex Block on Unsplash