Want a jolt of good, clean energy?

Make a decision.

Not a plan. An actual decision.

Think about it. Think about all the unmade decisions laying around your home, head, and life:

ALL ARE DECISIONS. Hanging around.

So here’s your homework, should you choose to accept:

  1. Grab a pen and piece of scrap paper
  2. Sit down and set your timer for 10 minutes
  3. Hit start and write down every unmade decision in your life
    1. Reach for more… Keep going… Look around and let your home spark some memories.
    2. Think about your weekly schedule and let it spark some memories of unmade decisions.
    3. Think about your New Year’s Resolutions, Annual Goals, Quarterly Goals – what is just sitting there WAITING for you to choose to make up your mind.
  4. DING! Your timer went off – good for you. If you need to keep going, do so. If you’re done, move on.
  5. Set your timer for another 10 minutes.
  6. On a clean sheet of paper look at each thing one at a time and do the following:
    1. Decide now that you’re going to:
      1. Do it.
      2. Delegate it.
      3. Delete it.
  7. For all the stuff you’re going to DO, put it in your calendar so you actually do it.
  8. For all the stuff you’re going to DELEGATE, decide what the first step of that is and do it.  Email the person and hand it off!
  9. For the things you’re going to DELETE, ask yourself “what needs to happen for me to truly delete this from my mind/life/home?” and either do that or put it in your calendar to do what you need to do.

You feel that?!

That’s momentum.

Keep it going!