Momentum: “The quantity of motion by a moving body…”

Do you have that in your business?

Do you have it in your life?

I find that until your business takes on a life of its own and is bigger than just you and your actions – the two are linked.  

I see it with clients all the time.  When one thing is working, everything starts working.  When something is tanking, everything starts tanking.

What can you do?


You’re in charge.

Step 1: Answer these questions:

  1. What are you doing, on a regular basis to stay in momentum?
  2. What creates it for you?  
  3. What are the things you do that create a disproportionate amount of energy and return for you?  (Could be waking up early and journaling, could be that after dinner walk that inspires you, could be the special tea at that place with the cozy chairs… )

Step 2:  Do more of those things as often as you can.  Schedule that sh*t.

Stay in the energy that builds, lifts, and inspires you as often as you can. Manufacture it. Protect it like it’s a newborn baby.  Go after it. Build systems to support it. Connect with people who amplify it.

This skill, the ability to create your own momentum is what separates the Batman’s from the Robin’s.  Be Batman. 😉