Now that all that New Year – New You stuff is behind us, (Oh! Are you still feeling fresh and bright?  If so, don’t read on!) we can get down to business…

Sick. and. Tired.

You too?  Sheesh!  Holidays, travel, catch up, family, drinks, and more travel… and more holidays!  It is a SEASON y’all!

Here I sit.  Sick and tired.  Tired of feeling under the weather but rolling along, like you do.  Like life does.

How do you do it?  How do you keep showing up each day, making it happen EVEN WHEN you are sick and tired?

That is my question for you today,  the “even when’s.”  What do you do, no matter what? “Even when I am _______”  or “Even when there are ________.”  Or “Even when I can’t ________.”  What takes precedence?

Here’s my hunch:  (…I’ve been talking to a number of you and I get the feeling there’s a pattern here!)  Your “even whens” fall to other projects, people, and things… So, here is what that would look like:

So, what’s the alternative?  I don’t know exactly, because I’m not in your life.  For me, this year I am just looking for the opportunities to reverse it.  To take self-care to the next level and do it for me and by me.  I’ll take a stab at a few and you can see what you think:

I’ll work on it!

I invite you to do the same.

Because you’re worth it.  

EVEN WHEN your pants are too tight.

EVEN WHEN you didn’t make your 2017 resolution come through.

EVEN WHEN you are too busy to brush your teeth.

BIG love,