Grace has a plan.

Grasp is flailing around.

Grace trusts the process.

Grasp wants it “RIGHT NOW!”

Grace knows in her bones what is happening and that she creates it so she might as well enjoy the process and all the things she does have going for her.

Grasp can’t take a full breath some days.

You want to know where you’re coming from so that you get the results you want.

The results from grace are very different than the results from grasp.

Sometimes grasp can make you some quick cash – but often times you’re stuck delivering the product that you don’t want to deliver afterwards and it’s taking away so much time from growing the parts of your business that you do want to do!

We are the ones driving our businesses – we are the ones producing all those results for the sake of our future selves, the ones who have to live through the decisions we make and enjoy the fruits of our labors today – we want to come from that abundant place, that graceful place.

We want to know we have grace, happiness here, and create FROM that.
All the GRACE!