Having been in online business for 10+ years, I’ve seen a lot of tools and tactics come and go. But, through it all, I have always preferred to keep it simple

Today, I’m sharing a few of my recommendations – in case they are at all helpful for you.

Let’s start with The Basics:

Once you’ve got that established, here’s the next layer…

Yes you should have one, but it doesn’t need to be fancy. Short on time or inspiration? Put up 1 page that says your name and has your opt-in. (Yes, you need to be collecting email addresses! CLICK HERE to grab my free resource on how to EASILY create your own freebie!)

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but my website has been the same for… at least 5 years and 3 niches! I use WordPress. If I were going to get started again today – from scratch – I’d probably pick something a little easier. Think: plug and play! 

>> You want it to be something you don’t need help making changes to. <<

Yes, you need to do this.  

I currently use Active Campaign. I like them because they do all the stuff the big guys do but without all the cost or confusion. 

You can start elsewhere for sure, but if you know you’re going to be at this awhile, start smart.

And DO start! All the social media platforms in the world are owned by someone else. 

>>Your list is the only thing that’s yours.<< 

I see you over there with your paper planner, scratching through client names and wishing you’d used pencil.

Stop it! I use Acuity Scheduling and I love it. 

You can sell packages, groups, programs – whatever – and there are so many ways to set it up. Including a free option!

Online scheduling for clients is nice for you, it’s also nice for them. Having a calendar that clients can use to reschedule themselves is like having an assistant. Go you!

Contrary to all the Life Coach School coaches on the internet… I use the Blue Yeti for my mic. 

You do not need to use this one, but please use something! The microphones that are built into most computers are not good. Even if you use your cell phone earbuds you’ll be way better off/have way less issues with sound.

I use this one for one simple reason – the camera on my desktop has terrible quality.  

Honestly, if you can sit in front of a window and use natural light that is the best – if you can’t, I’ve tried a few options. But, my favorite is the Ring Light.

I like this one because you can put your phone or your external camera in the center for shooting on social media, or video for courses, etc. It’s a lot of light and has lasted a long time! I lent it to my yoga instructor for hours and hours of Covid-19 Zoom yoga sessions and it’s still rocking!

Let me start by saying you do not need to do this right in the beginning. Don’t spend a bunch – or even a little – on logos, branding, or design before you know who you serve and love serving them.

This is the FUN part, not the necessary part!  

When you are ready, I love this great starter offer from Michelle Clayton for social media posts: https://weletherfly.com/custom-social-media-templates

That’s it.

We’ll update this list (on the blog) from time to time. But, for now, just go help some people!!!

Always cheering you on,