I have a weight loss coaching group that takes everything we talk about on the podcast to a deeper level and I’m enrolling for the new year right now.

You might be thinking this all sounds great – but you have a real life!  

I hear you, and so do all the women in the group who are doing it!  They are amazing but they aren’t super heros. They are people just like you and me who decided to make this a priority right now.

What you need to do right now is consider where you want to be on the 4th of July.  That is what is on the table.

See, what we do is get all excited about goals – especially this time of year!  We set resolutions and we get excited and we believe it’s possible! Then by Valentine’s day we’re done.  We didn’t make it. We quit on ourselves.

So I want you to think about what you typically do on the Fourth of July.

Now.  I want you to do this again – but I’m going to share where you could be – the option that is available if you choose to join us for 6 months of coaching and weight loss.

Now that you’ve considered it.  How do you feel?

Do you notice your body leaning in?  Do you feel curiosity?

Or maybe you feel disbelief, maybe you’re even feeling cynical.  

They are all options!  

You choose how you feel by the thoughts you have.

I’m asking you to create a feeling of curiosity.  I’m asking you to think “Maybe it could happen for me.”  

I know it is a great big ask – so I’m going to tell you my super secret feminist backstory…

I know in my bones that when we, as women, do the work of taking our brains and our energy back from this struggle  – from diet mentality, from caring about how we look compared to others, from the scale telling us if we can feel good or bad that day – then we can change the world.

Think about it.  

When you end the struggle with food and your weight – what comes next?!  The possibilities are endless, and I also happen to believe that choosing to end the struggle, choosing to do this work will set you up with tools you can use for the rest of your life to do anything you want.


So the question for me isn’t, is it possible — because I know it is.  I’ve seen it so many times.

The question for me is “Why wouldn’t you do it?”