I had a realization that I think is pretty important to the work we’re doing around here…

We have been speaking 2 different languages! Or maybe 3 or 4!!

Here is the deal.

I am getting that you think I am a weight loss coach.

I’m not.

I’m a weight loss expert, yes. but I’m a live your best life free from the struggle – coach.

Here is where it gets even trickier.

We don’t all know what the struggle is!

Am I right?

The amazing women in #weightlossdisrupt have taught me this important distinction.

We don’t want to be people who care about our weight, or who even want to invest in “weight loss” — we’re too smart for that.

We do though, want to invest in our own freedom from the struggle.

So, in case you are curious what “the struggle” is and how it shows up in your life I want to help you see it. Once you see it – then you’re back in charge. Then YOU get to decide what action to take with full knowledge and your hands on the wheel!

That is what I want for all of you:

Let’s create awareness of the struggle so that you can be at choice and create freedom in your mind and body.

While you get the results you want.

On your terms.

Thank you very much!

I’m so convinced that we’ve had our lines crossed I am hosting a free Masterclass to help you identify the struggle – then I’ll share my #1 tool for stopping it in it’s tracks so you can disentangle from the diet mentality and MOVE ON!

Let’s free up some brain space, shall we?!

I want you all there, this is important!




PS: I am polling the gals in #weightlossdisrupt to see what time works best for them, then you’ll have your invite!


Enrollment is open for End the Struggle, my 6-month group program where we take all this coaching work to the next level and we apply it.

Check the group details HERE and hit reply to ask questions or set up your time to connect with me.

If you’re at all curious, I want to connect with you.