Last week we talked about making decisions in your business and I left you with a bit of a cliff hanger.

I know the suspense was eating at you. 🙂

What do you have in common with Michael Jordan and Luke Skywalker?

You’re a human! With greatness inside of you and a journey ahead.

Hi, there!
So, now what?
Keep going!  

And, choose your road team.

Who is going to be with you for this leg of the journey?

For me, I always bring my family and a few friends. Then, I have my advisor/mentor/coach role filled based on what is coming next.

Do I always have a coach? No. Do I always have something I’m moving forward and learning about? Yes. Do I hire experts in that thing? 100%.

How do you decide?

I like to look at who I’ve been following, watching, listening to. Not the people I just listen to out of habit – but the ones who have caught my eye/ear lately.  

Who is out there doing a version of the thing I want to be doing, but they are ahead of me in some way? Or, they are skilled up to the max in a certain department I think is rad?

Who makes me a little bit nervous?  

Who do you think can really hold space for your vision with you?

Who believes in you?

And here is the BIG ONE:  
Who do you trust?

Who do you really trust? Who would you share all the messy stuff with and still feel accepted, and open, and ready to move forward? Who are you going to let in?

That is how I chose my Yoda.

How have you done it in the past?
Did it work?
Is it still working?

What do you want to do differently next time?

Am I your Yoda?  

Here’s how you’d know:

If you answered yes to even 2 of those things AND you’re a coach who loves their business – it’s time to apply for The Mastermind.Â