Have you ever wondered what to actually DO on a networking or connection call? You show up as your awesome, human self, of course! You also bring a pretty clear, pretty short agenda.  

Here is MY list – use it!

  1. Know how to introduce yourself. Have this decided before the call. Your intro may change for different people based on who they are – that is OK. But know before you go!
  1. Come in with curiosity about how you can help them. Even if you’re new or you haven’t hit whatever goal you think you should have hit in order to take up space on the call – everyone has something to give!
  1. Have some specific questions you want to ask them. Be thoughtful with these. You have the gift of their brain and experience for this time – honor that by asking great questions!
  1. Expect them to ask “How can I support you?” and know what to say. So many times people have asked me this and I’ve wasted it! “Oh, I don’t know, I’m good.” NO! We’re not good – we’re in business – we need to know how to ASK FOR SUPPORT!

Are you feeling like you’re more prepared for networking than ever?! I want to hear how you’ve been using this stuff! Join us in the Facebook group and let me know.