A few years ago I did something that COMPLETELY changed the trajectory of my life and weight.

…I STOPPED doing what wasn’t working.

There are some weight loss programs that believe the key to losing weight is to…

…Reduce calories
…Restrict what you eat
…Workout more
…White-knuckle it

And I couldn’t disagree more.

Eating less and moving more is a recipe for failure.

I used to believe I had to EAT LESS to lose weight. But, my body and sanity couldn’t handle it.

I decided to make a change and along the way I discovered how to lose weight in a systematic way that actually feels good.

And the core of that system is simple.

I wanted to highlight a client of mine who took all that knowledge to heart and put it into practice:

“I wanted to share that although we haven’t checked in about our coaching time together recently, I have continued to practice the protocol and mindset that you helped me to achieve a couple of years ago.

As I was beginning my graduate internship last January, I could anticipate the challenges that would present with maintaining my wellness and diet goals. While the shifts were long, and the daily battle against the parade of donuts and bagels was REAL, I kept your insight and teachings in the forefront.

I am so proud to say that I not only maintained my weight, but by the end of internship (and right before vacation), I was down about 7 more pounds. I feel healthy and happy, and have so much gratitude for the sustainable and healthy skills you supported me in attaining.” Kate M, Oregon

What isn’t working for you?