Get More Clients:
A 1:1 intensive for coaches ready to
optimize their businesses &
get more clients
...without having to learn a bunch of new stuff.
“I just want to coach.”
“Can someone just send me clients?”
“Am I even doing this right?”
I hear you. I’ve been coaching for almost 15 years and worked with 100’s of coaches who have asked these very same questions…
Here’s the good news:
You’re not alone – and there are answers.

You’re meant to coach.
Do any of these sound familiar?
> You’ve dreamt of working in someone else’s business, having clients magically show up on your calendar, never having to think of marketing again.
> If you’re honest with yourself, you feel a little embarrassed about having spent so much money on your business but not feeling like you can create consistent clients – yet.
> You look at the coaches you trained with and see them making it work faster than you – making you question what you’re doing here.
It’s really tough when your business
doesn’t reflect how great your coaching is.
Introducing Get More Clients
When you book your 1:1 intensive you will:
- Understand your go-to client generation system
- Walk away with an immediate list of actions you can take to generate clients NOW
- Know your 3, 6, and/or 12-month client generation strategy, depending on your business and history (no cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all strategies here)
- Walk away with your personalized Get-More-Clients-Roadmap

You're a great coach - and you want to do what you're great at.
...More Coaching!
Imagine yourself fully booked.
You’ve got clients, you’re getting to coach as much as you want, you’re living your life, and loving it. It’s working!
The struggle is gone, and a newfound clarity and confidence has replaced it.
You don’t have to wonder if you need all those shiny objects, offers, or courses because you know what is for you. You trust your way, and it’s clear.
You’re saving time because you’re not hooked by everything distracting or that’s leading you astray.
You’re saving money because you’re not buying anything you don’t need and won’t use. Freedom, truly.
You’re saving your relationship with yourself because you get to show up and be who you are, grow your self-trust, and do what you said you’d do.
Coach people. Have a business you love. Live your life – better than before.
THAT is what we’re doing together in the How To Get More Clients Intensive.
You just need more clients and to make enough money to make it work.
You’re not trying to hit a million right now. You simply want to make enough to feel like it makes sense, things feel consistent, and you trust yourself in business.
You have had success here and there and feel like you can do this but you’re not exactly sure what is working. Sometimes it feels like a fluke but you know you want to – and can – make it work.
All you’re trying to do is coach more and get fully booked as a 1:1 coach!
We can do that, together:
Frequently Asked Questions
How soon can I book my session?
- As soon as you make your payment, we’ll send you the form to gather all the information we’ll want/need for our call. Once you submit, you’ll receive instant access to my booking calendar for the Get More Clients Intensive.
What do I actually get?
- You get the chance to share a complete picture of your business, right where it is, with all the important data you want to share with me, in a form that I’ll review before our session.
- Then, you and I will have a 60-minute call where we’ll go through all the ins and outs of your business. I’ll ask a lot of questions and we’ll create two things: 1. Your Hit List (what you can do to get clients ASAP) and 2. Your longer-term strategy, specific to your business (that will keep bringing clients your way). I’ll send you these items within two business days from our call.
How do I continue working with you?
- If it’s a great fit to take your plan and continue working together, please let me know that you’re interested. I’ll invite you to the right-fit offer for you, based on what we find during the Intensive.
- $300 will be credited toward whatever you join next (small group or individual coaching).
What if I don’t like the plan we come up with?
- Then you don’t have to use it! What’s amazing about this offer is that, for less than $300, you can have a business strategist for coaches put their eyes on your business, holistically – which I’ve never seen happen in any other container, for this price or in this amount of time.
- Sometimes the obvious truth is hard but you’re paying me to give it to you! You’re only out $297 and I’d bet you’ll have a higher level of business understanding than you had walking in – that’s worth at least $50K in the right hands.
- Seriously though, we make the hit list and lay the strategy foundations based on YOU. I’ve never had anyone not understand or like what they walked away with.