Are you curious?

Have you been on the fence?

Have you had the thought “I’ll do it later when _____ is over.”

Yeah, I’m talking to you. The time to reach out is now.

I just realized that I can only take 6 individual coaching clients for the rest of the year. SIX! That is barely any, it almost makes me sad (but also feels pretty cool!). If you think one of those spots is yours, I hope you’ll hit reply and let me know – we may not have that much time… I already have 3 people interested in those spots.

There will be another weight loss coaching group starting in October but if you prefer 1-on-1 individualized attention, then hit reply and we can find out if we’re a good fit to work together. It usually takes about 26 minutes 😉 If either of us doesn’t think we’re a good fit or it’s not the right time, then we move on.

The worst thing that can happen is you decide you like your life just as it is. Not so bad when you think about it.

Take care friend, and if you’re one of the final 6 individuals I get to coach this year, I’m excited to work with you! I’m already toasting the transformations on your horizon!


If you have ever had questions about my journey to becoming a weight loss coach, and how I do my OWN mindset work to help you with yours, please LISTEN HERE.