If you can help someone with the thing they want help with – help them.

That doesn’t mean you have a 13 part offer, with perfect modules, or an email series that the client goes through, or 27 worksheets you’ve designed beautifully.

It means you show up, you meet them where they are and you help them. 

From Love.

Not because we have to love our clients, for them – but because having a business where we get to love our prospects, our consults, our clients, and our method of serving them is ours for the taking.

It’s ours for the create-ing.

My belief is – if we can love them, love the process, why wouldn’t we?  Why wouldn’t we choose to love every part of it? It feels good to love.

Loving unconditionally, loving without needing them to do anything or be anything – feels amazing.

Feel abundant.   

It feels like grace.

All the love,