Organizing Your Life

August 23, 2021
podcast cover

Show Notes

In this week’s episode, I talk to Organizing Coach, Tracy Hoth about calming the chaos in your life, home, and business.

I recently hired Tracy to help me with a project of my own, and it was amazing how much doing just that one thing opened the door to even more clearing and SPACE. There was an energy that was stuck and completing the project moved it. I am someone who is willing to pay for the speed of decision-making because it means everything gets to go faster. And, getting it done felt like the most FREEDOM ever.

Of course, we relate all of this back to business! So, not only are Tracy’s 5 tips great for getting organized, they’re great for anywhere you might be stuck in business as well. Here they are:
1. Sort
2. Purge
3. Assign Homes
4. Set Limits
5. Maintain

Listen in to find out how they work!

The whole conversation is great… Tracy shares some really useful information and we discuss important thoughts and ideas around our stuff, its impact, and how we can get free – simply and easily, by making one decision at a time.


To learn more about Tracy and what she does, you can find her in the following places:

Quick Start Guide to Get Organized for Life! (

Two blog posts/resources that were discussed in the episode:
Organizing Your Dresser (
Packing List (

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