Part 1: Be Agile, Do Things Your Way, and Have Fun

September 5, 2022

Show Notes

I recently asked my coaching clients for feedback, and one of the #1 things I heard was that they love my energy!

At first, I thought, “Dang. I can’t teach you that.” But then, I realized I actually could.

My energy is based on the beliefs I walk around with – and they determine how I show up in the world.

3 of my greatest beliefs are to be agile, to do life and business your way, and to have fun. Those three things are present in everything that I do.

In this episode, I dive into what that actually means and what that looks like for me. I hope you’ll listen in.

But, regardless, here’s a quick tip… Any time you want to pick up on someone’s energy, pay attention to what they say, how they show up, and what they’re doing – that will tell you a lot about their beliefs and maybe even some of your own.

And, if you want to learn more about my favorite coaching styles, beliefs, and modalities, join me for a Coaching Workshop for Coaches on Thursday, September 22nd at 11 am PT / 2 pm ET. We’ll take 90 minutes and get into ALL the things, including a time for Q+A and workshopping together. It’s FREE, and you can sign up at



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