​I have to tell you what is going on right now in my brain and body – I want to overeat and not eat what I planned.

Yep. It still happens.

I’m in the middle of doing something new and hard and I don’t know what the outcome will be and I don’t know how I’m going to get from where I am now to where I need to be – so what does my brain want me to do.  It wants me to eat!

Of course.  The tool for everything that you can find everywhere!  The one thing that will solve any problem!  Or… not!

But it’s still there – that urge loop: Hard Thing —>  Overwhelm —> Overeat.

It’s a habit.

I’m sitting here with the urge to PIZZA with the knowing that it will pass.  That PIZZA wont solve my problems.

There’s nothing wrong with me for having this urge – it’s just what I used to practice.

I’m sitting here, slightly smiling, because one, I get to share this with you and two, it means that I’M EVOLVING!

The only time I want to do any big-time buffering with food is when I’m on to something big.  When there is a shift happening that will mean big changes, good changes, necessary changes.

It’s hard to do different, right?  And the work of me becoming my future self, the woman who lives my dream life – is SO WORTH IT.

So, I just wanted to say say hello, let you know that we’re in this together, and that pizza’s got nothing on what we’re going to create.  Nothing.

Let me know in the comments below what you reach for when the going gets tough, I can’t wait to hear.  What’s your PIZZA!


PS:  I know a lot of you have been waiting for me to do another group – good news.  It’s coming, watch this space, you’ll be the first to hear the details.  If you want to let me know what you need CLICK HERE and tell me!  I’d love to have your help.