Thank you so much for being here – week in and week out! Sharing in the excitement, joining the webinars and hitting reply to share your thoughts. I am honored to be on your radar, and I’m hoping you can do me a small favor.

As you know, I’ve been working on my weight loss coaching business for a 8 years now, but only just left my full-time job in January, so I am growing into the fun new waters of full-time entrepreneurship. To say that I love it would be an understatement – it’s more like I’m more me than I’ve ever been…

So far, it’s been going really well. I’m able to coach, speak, and write every day. Even better, I’m getting the chance to really help people!

Recently, I helped a client lose 55 pounds and realize her goal for the summer – to get in and out of her kayak all summer, by herself, without capsizing!

And that’s why I’m writing to you today. I’m focusing my energy on expanding my audience, and I was wondering if you’d be willing to introduce me to a couple of people that might benefit from the type of work I do.

I’m a weight loss coach for professional women who want to stop thinking about food all the time and use their energy on things they really care about. I help them stop overeating and feel as confident in their body as they always have in most other areas of their lives. Do you know of a friend who would be a good fit?

If so, please share this with them.

If YOU’RE interested and want more details about how I can help, simply comment below. I’d love to talk with you further.

I appreciate you being here for the ride, some of you for each of those 8 years!! Know that if were there with you now I’d want to shake your hand and say “Thank you.” No dreams are made possible without the support of good humans alongside of them. For my dream that has been you.