I was coaching in my Mastermind group the other day and one gal let us in on a little secret her brain had been telling her…

She had this thought that once you got to a certain place/level/dollar amount in your business you no longer throw spaghetti at the wall.

I smiled… She went on.

…“I see you, and this other coach, and this other coach trying stuff and doing different things…  I just noticed that you’re just trying different things to see what works” – and she was 100% right.

We’re all trying stuff. What worked in 2012 doesn’t work today. How do we get from 2012 ⇒ 2020 strategy? We throw spaghetti at the wall.

And lasagna…
And penne…
And gluten-free garbanzo shells…

That doesn’t mean anything has gone wrong – it means we are still alive, we are still evolving, the market is still alive, and the market is still evolving.

These are all good things!

Imagine spaghetti every night for 8 years… NO THANK YOU. But, if we get to have all kinds of noodles with whatever else works for us, plus some garlic, and a hefty dose of “what have I learned to-date that could work here?” then I am all in.

So, if you are thinking that there is a special strategy that works every time and you just keep going, you’re kind of right – as long as you also have room for noodle-tossing, just to see what might be possible.

Is it just me, or are you hungry too? 😉