You have to write your own story.

Look at this photo, in it you will see Starbucks flagship store.  It sits next to Seattle’s Pike Street Market. It is the place to go, take your selfie, and proclaim that you have been to the original store – but you haven’t.

Starbucks tells the story that that is where it all began – and that is their choice.  

Just like it is your choice to tell you story one way – or another.

Their first store was somewhere else, but isn’t it awesome they chose to have their story begin in the heart of one of the coolest areas of their hometown?  I think it’s great. I’ve been there. I liked it.

I had a story for a long time that “I’m the big girl.”  I had lots of evidence to prove it to you, to me, to anyone.  I was taller, stronger, heavier, and bigger than everyone else (except 1 or 2 of the boys in my class).  So, my brain grew up in that story, my actions reflected that story, my body came to own that story in my mind.

Was it true?  No.  It was a story.  

I could have just as easily decided to tell myself the story that I am the kind one, or the mean one, or the small one.  I would have found evidence – because where there is belief you can always find proof. ALWAYS.

So what is the story about your body that are owning right now?

Is it helpful?

Is it true?  How do you know?

Is it the story that helps you get the result you want?  Or not?

Are you more committed to that story than to creating different results?

You’ll know if you say things like:  “It’s just always been that way.” “This is just who we are.”  “I’m just somebody who ______.”

…because it’s all optional.

The story you tell about who you are, where you come from or how you show up – it’s all optional.  It is something you decided at some point, or your family decided for you – that doesn’t make it true.  That doesn’t make it a life sentence.

Starbucks first store was not in Pike Place Market, and I am not the big girl.

We both have chosen different stories, and you know what is so cool, we get to!  It’s our choice.

Want a better life?  Tell yourself a better story.

Don’t know how?  Comment below, that is exactly what I help people do.  

BIG love,
