When the magic happens – keep doing what you were doing when it happened.  

And is it really magic?

Think back to a time where things fell into place, came together seamlessly, and just “flowed.”

  1. Who were you being?
  2. What were you doing?
  3. Who else was there?
  4. What came before it?
  5. Is it repeatable?

One of the greatest lessons I have to keep learning is not go out and try to fix things that aren’t broken.  

Said another way, I hosted a fabulous retreat and it went amazing so I am doing it again! Vs. It was great, I’ll change it and try to sell something different…

As entrepreneurs we love creating!  Visioning newness into the world. Creating things that never existed before…  It also means we create amazing stuff and then never do it again…

Step away from that boulder you’re pushing up hill.  Look for what is working. Do more of that. REPEAT!