I see you there.  With your long pants.  With you sleeves. With that bag on your lap – and I know you are hiding.

You don’t wear shorts because of the cellulite on your legs.  You can’t let other people see your fat arms. You would rather people look at your bag because… bags and shoes are the only reliable things that can be cute and fit no matter what!

And then there is you.  Hot. With your farmer tan 😉   – I want you to know that the summer is calling.  It’s asking you to come out and play. To be free.

Listen to summer!  


Join us to do just that in my FREE facebook group:  [maxbutton id=”2″ url=”https://www.facebook.com/groups/2223212874669227/” text=”Join Group” ] 

Wear the stripes.  Put on the shorts. Wave those arms!  You have to. You have to send a message to your body, and to summer, that you’re alright.  That you can do this. That you’re working on it. 

You have to say yes before you get to leave this version of you behind. 

Here is what I mean:

You have to stop holding back, so that you can do the work of becoming.  

So answer this right now.  The first thing that comes to mind is perfect.  

What is the one thing you would do differently today if you were at goal weight?

Okay.  Go. Do. Repeat.

Expect it to be uncomfortable – that is how you know you are doing it right.  You have to know how to wear shorts if you want to wear shorts. You have to know how to go out and socialize if you want to go out and socialize. You have to know how to not hide if you want to not hide.

Practice.  Practice as if your life depends on it, because what I keep hearing from each of you that reach out to me is that IT DOES.

This is not kid stuff.  This is the stuff of warriors and you are worth the fight.

Get out there and do it.  Suck at it, and keep going.

If you need help, comment and tell me what is getting in your way.  

BIG Love,


Join the FREE facebook group:  [maxbutton id=”2″ url=”https://www.facebook.com/groups/2223212874669227/” text=”Join Group” ] 

Photo by Leon Seierlein on Unsplash