I’m not here to entertain you

Dear Friend, I’m not here to entertain you. You’ve got your whole life for that. If you stopped asking me to be more than fuel where would your joy come from? Go.  Make more of that. Sincerely, Food


Right?! What I almost immediately think of next – after basking for a moment in the life-coachy goodness of this quote – is the reality that comfort can SUCK. You know what I mean. Comfort might be too scared to move. Comfort might be thinking you aren’t good enough or you can’t. Where is ‘comfort’ […]

Happy Mother’s Day

Last year at this time I was a recovering pregnant woman. I had my baby in my arms, but did not yet identify as “Mother.” This year Mother’s Day feels different to me, like it actually fits. As I celebrate and embrace this role I am reminded of questions that nagged at me while working […]

A question

“I eat really well until about 7pm and then I just binge like crazy.  I know I should stop eating but I don’t.  Not sure how to replace my emotional and mindless eating.” Raise your hand if you can relate. (My hand is raised!) Here is the good news and bad news about the issue this reader […]

It’s a practice…

It’s a practice. Yoga. Writing. Brushing your teeth. Do you have a practice now that used to seem like a far off or impossible dream? When I was 6 I could NOT imagine brushing my teeth TWICE a day EVERY DAY!? Now, it’s like no problem. Sometimes I do it more than twice! Now I […]