Moderation Sucks

“Moderation Sucks”and that is a direct quote I told a client just this week. I do think moderation is a nice idea. It works with a lot of things, but have you noticed what it does when applied to cookies? Shame bombs! Left and right. Watch out, your going down sister. Just because you ate […]


You get home after work, you did good all day, you might have even worked out and then… Kablooey! Sh*t hits the fan, plan out the window, wine in hand – pass the chips. It isn’t wrong. It isn’t abnormal. You’re fine. You aren’t broken or weak. You’re “normal.” Just like the rest of us […]

Can you hit “Pause?”

You know those days where nothing happens as you planned – but everything that happens seems to be just the right thing? Today was one of those days. If only life were like that a little more often! In reality, most days are not like I had planned and it doesn’t feel like “just the […]

Bon Voyage

You traveling = you gaining weight. You think you can’t enjoy yourself and be on the road and lose weight. You’re busted – I know you can. My clients are doing it. I’ve done it. You might not be able to continue to hold on for dear life – grasping at a strict food plan, […]