Coaches gotta coach.

Do you love coaching?

Do you?

You don’t have to. You just need to be clear, for yourself.

I feel like we’ve gotten mixed up on what is coaching, what is teaching, and what is selling info/products.

Do you know what you are actually doing? Is it working for you?

I personally identify as a coach, through and through. I am not here to teach. Do I sometimes teach? Yes. I do that in video form for clients through Lead Your Profit, so that when we are together, in any format, I can coach them more. That’s my jam, my sweet spot.

I use teaching to get to coach more.

How do you do it? How do you want to do it? What are you highlighting in you? Do you want to sell a low-price thing that teaches something? Do you want to sell a high-price thing that is customizable and very individual?

There are so many ways to do it, it’s important that it reflects who you are and that your business-building strategy matches your goal.

I can help you with that. Join us!

P.S. Just in case you haven’t heard… I am launching a podcast! “When I’m In Charge, That’ll Be Different” will be released to the world on April 1st. But, the first episode is up in my free Facebook group, The Playground RIGHT NOW. Come, take a listen and let me know what you think!