Do You Know What You’re Actually Doing?

Coaches gotta coach. Do you love coaching? Do you? You don’t have to. You just need to be clear, for yourself. I feel like we’ve gotten mixed up on what is coaching, what is teaching, and what is selling info/products. Do you know what you are actually doing? Is it working for you? I personally […]

Shiny Object Syndrome? Ditch The Overwhelm, Do What Works!

The two greatest problems I see newer entrepreneurs making, as far as investing in their businesses go: Throwing money at all the shiny object business solutions and not doing what the people say and/or having way too many people they are not really listening to.– OR – Throwing time at all the FREE shiny object […]

The Shortest Biz Training On The Internet!

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: The waitlist for my new course is ONLY OPEN for a limited time! Once we close the doors you’ll only have access to the general admission party. But, I thought you were a VIP! Step behind the velvet rope right here. Welcome, friend! Here is the shortest and most comprehensive business school lesson […]