I was cleaning out my 5-year-old’s room, so I could get it ready to be a Kindergarten (log that with things I never thought I’d say!). And, there is this bench full of stuffed animals that she never opens but is over-full. I had pulled everything out when she came in…

I had already made 2 piles: one that I thought we could get rid of, and one that I thought we should keep. I was ready to pitch her on my beliefs about the value and greatness of the ones I was willing to keep vs. the other pile that, 100%, needed to go.

I held back (yes it was hard) and said, “we are cleaning out your room so it can be your Kindergarten. Which stuffies do you want to keep?”

She picked 2.  


I would have kept 20. She picked 2. She loves them. She carried that yellow Peeps brand bunny all over for 3 days. Yep. Of the 2 she picked, one came out of the easter candy box this year. 

Her love for the things had nothing to do with sentimentality, emotional connection, cost, potential future use – none of it. 

She picked the two she wanted to play with, right then.

What if we could all do that? What if we could live in THAT kind of moment.  

What serves me right now? 

Trusting that all your needs will be met – not needing to hang on to everything for dear life just-in-case. Something to ponder…

Happy Sunday, 

PS: I’ll also note that she hasn’t mentioned it since. No regret.