
I spend a lot of time with a lot of women.  Smart women. Powerful women. Smart and powerful women…   I started to notice a trend.   Then I noticed it was on the rise. Then I noticed I couldn’t go a day without hearing this question: “Does that make sense?” Stop. Asking. This. Question. Why?   Because […]

1 sentence can change your life – and today you get to hear how.

“I’m just going total top-of-mind today.” That right there is the most powerful sentence to access before, during, and after you get coached. I am doing something today that I’ve never done before.  I’m pulling back the curtain on my coaching. I’m letting you in on a private coaching session with one of my fabulous […]

Limiting Beliefs

Last week we played around with beliefs and awareness which was fun – and I appreciate those of you who shared your models with me, thank you! There was something that stuck with me from the example we used that I can’t not address. “Limiting beliefs.”   It’s a sort of a buzz phrase right now […]

How You Roll

When you’re on top of the world – we all feel it. When you’re not, we feel that too! It’s not a bad thing, per se, but it is a thing. What do you do about it? BE AWARE! Often times when we feel crappy or crabby we are all up in our own grills, […]

Lost Footing

You now how when someone nudges you and you’re on your heels you totally fall over? Or at least have to lurch backwards in a really awkward way and hopefully don’t knock a table over? Vs. When you’re planted with both feet on the ground, aware of coming punches and nudges?  Someone can hit you […]